Hunting for the best talent for 10 Years

This month 10 years ago I started my journey into self-employment and founded Artemis Human Capital.

Looking back on the last 10 years is a little like an out of body experience (lockdown was particularly surreal).

My trip down memory lane involved me looking at some old photos. I think some of the hairstyles I sported over the years are up there on my list of regrets. I looked like a young Elvis in some of the photos, and I mean Costello, not Presley!

I remember the day I started trading on 8th September 2014. I remembered to pack my pink Radio/CD player in the car. It was a relic even back then. I bought it in 2002 whilst studying at University in Dundee, but it has never let me down and every Christmas Mariah Carey warbles cheerfully from it. It represents happy memories for me, and when there was an office with just little old me in it, Mariah, along with Jazzy Jeff and The Fresh Prince and of course PJ and Duncan, ensured I was never lonely.

We have come a long way since humble beginnings in 2014 and Artemis is now one of Northern Ireland’s leading Recruitment Agencies. With two separate divisions, Artemis Executive Search and Artemis Professional Recruitment, we act as trusted advisors to start-ups, SMEs and plcs across the UK and Ireland. We are a team of 17 experienced professionals, with further growth in our sights.

In truth, my greatest achievement and a great source of pride is our culture. I genuinely believe it is unmatched. If I have got one thing right at this point in my career, it has been assembling the right team who share the same values and vision – Quite reassuring, considering my chosen profession.

Everyone can have a great month, quarter, or even a great year. However, in my experience of working with some truly outstanding clients over the years, it is the culture that will underpin the long-term success of a business, coupled with continuous reinvestment in people and brand.

Prior to life at Artemis, and indeed recruitment I had worked in other businesses and industries, and I believe that each chapter taught me a lot along the way. Resilience being the most beneficial skill that I have honed. I’m not sure which was scarier, getting my nose broken whilst working as a bouncer, or telling a farmer that is car was worth £7k when he believed it was worth £11k whilst working in the motor trade.

But alas, I found my calling in recruitment. It combined my love of sales, background in Psychology and thirst for continuous learning. I have enjoyed (almost) every minute and look forward to the next 10 years and beyond.

I look forward to watching the team grow and develop and I look forward to giving people the help and support that I was afforded along the way. I have had several loyal supporters who took a chance on me in my early days and remain valued clients today. I’ll never forget those who listened and provided sound advice.

To say I have no regrets would be inaccurate, but I guess all paths lead to where we stand.

Things I would have done differently:

  1. Fail faster. There’s no shame in making mistakes but realise and correct your course swiftly.
  2. Delegate quicker. For far too long I hung onto tasks and roles that people far better equipped than me should have been doing.
  3. Celebrate wins more and take time to smell the roses.
  4. Speak up more. I’m no shrinking violet but at times, especially in my younger years I lacked confidence and didn’t push myself forward.

Things I will keep doing:

  1. Surround myself with smart people. I’m a firm believer that if you are the smartest person in the room, you’re in the wrong room.
  2. Being original. I like to keep our brand, content, and proposition fresh. As Oscar Wilde said ‘just be yourself, everyone else is already taken.’
  3. Think of ways to constantly develop myself and the business and to help others to achieve their goals, both personal and professional.
  4. Keep thanking those who have got us to this point. I’m incredibly proud of where Artemis is today but would be nowhere without the support of those around me; family, clients, business partners, candidates but most of all the team. They took a chance on me as much as I did them.

So, what’s next?

Continued growth, added value, business improvements and a little time to smell the roses. As a thank you to the team and to celebrate 10 years in business, we are jetting off to Palma for a few days at the end of this month and we can’t wait! By the time we get back to those dark nights it will be time to dust off the Mariah CD for sure.

MD, Sarah Orange – Artemis Human Capital